I hope that 2023 has started well for you? Firstly I want to share the following article What Is Psychological Safety? (hbr.org) about the importance of providing a “safe space” for your team, an environment where people can talk to you without fear. Where they can express their emotions, their opinions, and even criticise, without any kind of judgement or retribution. It’s hugely important, especially today in this current environment where there’s so much uncertainty about what’s right or wrong, what’s acceptable and what’s not. I particularly like the simple tactics for creating a safe space and thought you might find them useful? I also wanted to share that the REAL Leadership Consultancy has been voted one of the top leadership coaching companies in 2022, you can find out more here. 
I decided to change my direction just over 2 years ago, to give up my corporate career and focus on starting my own business that I could get passionate about, working with inspirational people who wanted to improve their leadership skills. Like many entrepreneurs, it’s been a rollercoaster ride of emotion but this award goes a little way towards justifying the sacrifices and stress, it is also in recognition of some truly amazing clients and this inspiring community of leaders!