As the last few days of 2023 draw to a close we think it’s critical to pause and reflect, both for you and your teams.

Here’s some of the questions you could be asking –

What is the thing you are MOST PROUD OF in 2023, personally and professionally?

What is the one thing you would GO BACK AND CHANGE if you could? And how do you make sure you don’t make the same mistake next year?

Name something that SURPRISED you about yourself or your business?

What did you LEARN ABOUT YOUR LEADERSHIP in the last 12 months? And how will you use that next year?

Three things to read about below –

1 – The amazing contributors to our newsletter over the last 12 months, we’ve linked to their blog posts if you’re looking for some leadership inspiration!
Also we’re keen to have other contributors in the new year so if you have a burning desire to share your leadership story with this community please get in touch here.

2 – Last month Steve published his first book “Get Real. Be the leader you were meant to be”, we’ve included an excerpt from the book below, it’s all about having the right people in the right roles “on the bus”. A common challenge for many of our clients right now. Perhaps 2024 is the year you finally make some tough decisions, about whether you have the people you need on board to make your business successful or need to make some unemotional choices for the best of the business?

3 – We are always happy to chat about the leadership challenges you are facing. Why not get in touch and we will arrange a free 20 minute (no obligation) discovery session.

In our January newsletter we’ll be talking about LOOKING BACK, reflecting on your upbringing and experiences that have shaped how you act as a leader today.


Here’s a list of our amazing contributors (and their articles) this year, If you’d like to continue the conversation with them directly please see their LinkedIn profiles below.

In March we celebrated International Women’s Day, by asking women in the REAL. Leadership community what this annual event means to them. Find out more here.

We also heard from Ben Sullivan on “What makes a workplace diversity program successful?”

In May the Leadership Coach & People Person, Nicola Pye, explained why as leaders we need to be worried about the ‘overperformers’.

In September Steve spoke to Stephen Johnson, Managing Director of Quooker on “How to create a sustainable people-first culture.”

In October we were lucky enough to hear from Corinna Cunningham, Ghostwriter & Book Mentor, on why we should all be considering writing our first book. 


Finally the REAL. Leadership team would like to thank everyone who has been involved in the business in any way over the last 12 months. Your support, advice and feedback has been instrumental to our success and helped us all challenge the boundaries of traditional leadership and become the leaders we were meant to be.

If you want to give back a little over the Christmas period then we were honoured to have Alex Stephany CEO of homeless charity BEAM, contribute to Steve’s book. Please donate here.







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